Shine The Moonlight On Your Next Event

Upcoming Events

Saturday August 17th @ 11-12 PM, Bde Maka Ska North Beach. Join us for a relaxing Sound Bath & Flow session by the lake, where you can unwind and rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul.

Sound Bath & Flow

by the lake

What kind of event are you planning?

From weddings to showers & office parties to birthday parties…everyone loves Miss Moonshine.

How Can Miss Moonshine Make Your Event More Meaningful & Fun?

  • What’s the Universe telling you today? It’s always fun and inspiring to find out as you sit for a reading at a party.

  • Next time your group gets together, why not enjoy an accessible, enjoyable time of refreshing yoga and centering meditation altogether?

  • Give your group the ultimate auditory experience. Sit back, close your eyes, and let the resonance of the universe echo deep within you as group.